Life on a chip - vascularized micro-tumor chips for mimicking clinical drug responses
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Life on a chip - vascularized micro-tumor chips for mimicking clinical drug responses

Wednesday 08:00 PDT / 11:00 EDT / 16:00 BST / 17:00 CEST
Life on a chip - vascularized micro-tumor chips for mimicking clinical drug responses

In this webinar, you will learn about cutting-edge organ chip technology already in use by several of the top pharmaceutical companies for drug development and immuno-oncology applications. Most cells in our body are no farther from a blood vessel than the width of a hair. Blood vessels help pattern tissues and provide them with their nutrients, and since almost all therapeutics — whether small molecules, antibodies, or leukocytes — reach our tissues via blood vessels, no model of tissue-drug interaction is realistic without this supporting vascular network. You will learn what readouts are available in vitro for developing drug, cell and gene-based therapies, including:

  • Continual imaging of tumor growth and response to drugs
  • Imaging of leukocyte vascular adhesion & extravasation
  • Assessment of tumor occupancy and killing by leukocytes, including CAR-Ts
  • Assessment of monoclonal antibody & bispecific delivery and efficacy
  • Assessment of target gene expression by in situ staining or qPCR
  • Collection of venous outflow for assessment of biomarkers

Attend this webinar to learn:

  • How responses in Vascularized Micro-Tumor chips compare to responses seen in patient tumors
  • What types of drug, cell-based and gene therapy studies can be conducted using Vascularized-Micro Tumor chips
  • How Vascularized Micro-Tumor chips compare to other models, such as 2D cell culture or spheroid models
Chris Hughes
Chris Hughes
CSO at Aracari Biosciences


Chris Hughes
Chris Hughes
CSO at Aracari Biosciences