Forward engineering cell therapy production capabilities to save patient lives
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Forward engineering cell therapy production capabilities to save patient lives

Thursday 08:00 PDT / 11:00 EDT / 16:00 BST / 17:00 CEST
Forward engineering cell therapy production capabilities to save patient lives

Live30 webinars are thirty minute presentations designed to update you on the latest innovations, applications and data in a fast yet interactive format.

There is a critical shortage in cell therapy manufacturing slots that has resulted in long waitlists for CAR T eligible patients and lengthy vein-to-vein times from apheresis to infusion. This has translated into physicians being forced to make hard choices on which of their patients can get potentially life-saving therapies. Against this backdrop, manufacturers like us have the chance to alleviate that pain by bringing flexible capacity to market. In this webinar, you’ll learn: 

  • How to forward engineer a facility that enables modularity to accommodate an array of processes and increase efficiency and throughput
  • What to consider from new regulatory draft guidance on CAR T CMC, testing and process controls
  • Why a close partnership with IT and Digital will push the pedal on innovation with the right automation and monitoring technologies
John Lee PhD
John Lee PhD
VP, Head of Cell Therapy Center for Breakthrough Medicines


John Lee PhD
John Lee PhD
VP, Head of Cell Therapy Center for Breakthrough Medicines