AAV manufacturing with stable producer cells for industrial scale vector production
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AAV manufacturing with stable producer cells for industrial scale vector production

Thursday 08:00 PDT / 11:00 EDT / 16:00 BST / 17:00 CEST
AAV manufacturing with stable producer cells for industrial scale vector production

As gene therapy moves towards more frequent indications with large patient cohorts or systemic administration, incomparably higher amounts of vector material are required. Stable helper virus-free AAV producer cell lines are the technology of choice to elevate the manufacturing scale of AAV gene therapy vectors to this next level. 

The stable ELEVECTA® producer platform offers an “easy-to-scale” production platform in which AAV production is simply started via induction as all components necessary for AAV production are stably integrated in the cells. The platform makes AAV production as simple as monoclonal antibody production.

  • Eliminate any transient transfection/helper virus infection step from your AAV production process
  • Achieve reliable AAV production by simple induction of suspension producer cells
  • Easy scale-up of AAV production instirred tank bioreactors
  • Increase AAV production in stirred tank bioreactor up to E15 vg/L using an intensified process
  • Free choice of stable producer cell line based on HEK 293 or CAP® cells.
Ben Hudjetz PhD
Ben Hudjetz PhD
Senior Scientist, Cell Line Development, CEVEC Pharmaceuticals GmbH


Ben Hudjetz PhD
Ben Hudjetz PhD
Senior Scientist, Cell Line Development, CEVEC Pharmaceuticals GmbH